Week 1


  • What is editing

  • Editing Software

  • Workflow

    • Importing

    • Backing up

  • Photoshop

    • Interface Overview

    • Creating New Files

    • Opening New Files

    • Selecting

    • Cutting

    • Cropping

    • Combining

    • Layers

    • Saving

Week 2

Adobe Bridge

  • Organizing

  • Selecting

  • Renaming

  • tagging

Photoshop RAW

  • Basic Corrections

  • Crop

  • Geometry

Week 3

  • Color/lighting

  • Healing/cloning

  • retouching

Week 4

  • Actions

  • Build a whole action set

  • Saving formats

University Policies

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all of their classes regularly, on time, and for the full session of each class. Absences, tardiness, or early departures are considered by instructors when determining whether or not a student has satisfactorily completed a course, and when appropriate, whether or not students have earned Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Non-attendance is not equivalent to dropping or withdrawing from a course. For more information see: http://continuingeducation.unlv.edu/registration-policies#attendance (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external site.). Students may not attend any class for which they are not officially registered (even if they are on the waitlist for that class). Please see http://continuingeducation.unlv.edu/registration-policies  (Links to an external site.)for additional Continuing Education policies. Contact Client & Division Services immediately at continuing.education@unlv.edu or (702) 895-3394 if the instructor tells you that you are not on the official class roster.

UNLV & Continuing Education Policies

Code Of Conduct – UNLV Continuing Education reserves the right to dismiss any student whose conduct is detrimental to the university and its community. Participants in Continuing Education courses are required to abide by the UNLV Student Code of Conduct, which is available online at http://www.unlv.edu/studentconduct (Links to an external site.). A student who is dismissed due to disciplinary action or behavioral disturbance is not entitled to a refund.

Academic Misconduct – Academic integrity is a legitimate concern for every member of the campus community; all share in upholding the fundamental values of honesty, trust, respect, fairness, responsibility and professionalism. By choosing to join the UNLV community, students accept the expectations of the Student Academic Misconduct Policy and are encouraged when faced with choices to always take the ethical path. Students enrolling in UNLV assume the obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with UNLV’s function as an educational institution. An example of academic misconduct is plagiarism. Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of another, from the Internet or any source, without proper citation of the sources. See the Student Academic Misconduct Policy located at: http://studentconduct.unlv.edu/misconduct/policy.html (Links to an external site.).

Copyright – The University requires all members of the University Community to familiarize themselves with and to follow copyright and fair use requirements. You are individually and solely responsible for violations of copyright and fair use laws. The university will neither protect nor defend you nor assume any responsibility for employee or student violations of fair use laws. Violations of copyright laws could subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability, as well as disciplinary action under University policies. Additional information can be found at: http://www.unlv.edu/provost/copyright (Links to an external site.).

Refunds/Cancellation/Dropping or Withdrawing from a Class – Requests to drop classes and receive refunds must be submitted at least three business days before the first day of the class (unless there is a separate policy stated in the course description). Requests for refunds must be made in writing. Phone requests or changes discussed with instructors or university staff are not accepted. Requests received by the deadline will be refunded 100% of the registration fee minus a $10 administrative fee. At no time will the amount refunded exceed the amount of the original registration fee. Requests to drop classes can be submitted online, via fax at 702-895-4195, or via email to continuing.education@unlv.edu. Requests must include the following information: Student Name, Student Email Address and\or Telephone Number, Class Title and Start Date, and Reason for Dropping the Class. The complete refund policy is available at http://continuingeducation.unlv.edu/registration-policies#refunds (Links to an external site.).

Disability Services - Any student who feels they may need accommodations due to a disability, temporary injury, or academic adjustments due to a pregnancy is encouraged to contact the UNLV Disability Resource Center (DRC) online at https://www.unlv.edu/drc or by phone, 702-895-0866. Current DRC students should make an appointment to discuss their accommodations with their instructors.